
I felt God highlight the word ‘Overshadow’ as I looked at my friends painting of a lion standing high behind a female warrior with a sword in her hand. It also reminded me of a picture I’d seen of a lion with its cub (see photo).

I felt Him say that “we are overshadowed, by the Most High”.

Overshadow means: tower above and cast a shadow over.

Or, to appear more prominent or important than.

Sometimes we feel like the things in front of us are so big and overwhelming and more important than anything else because they are looming ahead of us and more prominent than the unseen realm. BUT the truth is God overshadows us with His presence and His goodness.

Even when we can’t see Him with our physical eyes the truth is that He overshadows us by His precious Holy Spirit. This is our reality as believers as He casts His shadow over us. The things in the spirit are more real than we realise and just because we don’t all see them doesn’t make them any less real.

If we would just take a minute to stop and ‘see’ beyond the physical to the spiritual realm we would be amazed and full of such confidence and courage as the significance of His majestic size and stature sinks in. We stand in His shadow and that should fill us with the utmost confidence that we can do anything because with God ALL things are possible.

When we realise this and who is fighting for us it makes us powerful to step out and take risks for the Kingdom because we know who has our back. It is hard to be intimidated when you know the creator of heaven and Earth overshadows you wherever you go.

As I looked at the painting of the warrior the thought of lifting a huge sword suddenly takes on a different significance when you know that He overshadows you with His presence and gives you the strength to not only lift it but to wield it.

I felt that whatever your circumstances are that He was saying He overshadows you and you can trust Him.

Psa 91:1-2 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

I was reminded too of the verse where Mary is overshadowed by the Holy Spirit when she conceived Jesus. I felt that it represented the power of the Holy Spirit coming on people to bring forth the purposes He has for their lives.

Luke 1:35 The Holy Spirit will come upon you the power of the Highest hover over you; Therefore, the child you bring to birth will be called Holy, Son of God.

I saw people being overshadowed by Holy Spirit and set free from things that were oppressing them especially trauma. It would be something that would happen with seemingly no effort as they simply came into His presence.

If this resonates with you take some time to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit and imagine Him overwhelming you right now as you are focussing your attention on Him. Let Him come and bring His peace, comfort, freedom, love and lean back into Him.

I pray that you would rise up and throw your shoulders back, standing tall knowing that wherever you are or whatever you are stepping into in this season you would know deep in your heart that He has you in His sights and you can take courage from that.

Josh 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Hear Him say…You are not overwhelmed you are overshadowed by the Most High.

11 thoughts on “Overshadowed

  1. That was one of the photos that inspired my art. I’m so glad that you have put into words some of what I was painting.
    His over shadowing isn’t a dark place, but is a place to find life.

  2. Thank you, Sarah, so much for this. God really used it to speak into my fears this morning, reminding me that He is there and that my focus should be on him. Also that I might see the little, weak me but what the world sees is Him. He has my back – always. Really spiritual battle fought and won this morning. Bless you.

  3. Excellent focus on The Word of God regarding our Protection, In Him.
    Thankyou Sarah for setting our minds on The Greatness of God ,as we seek to encourage others,to put their trust In Him ,the All Sufficient one.

  4. Thank you so much for this amazing word. Life has been so busy – children moving away with grandchildren, a new Ukrainian lodger arriving and now husband undergoing tests for low platelets which have shown a growth on his spleen. Through it all sensing the overshadowing of Almighty God! So blessed by this word. xxx

    1. Thankyou so much for the feedback, it’s always helpful.
      You do have a lot going on and I have been through some health stuff with my husband.
      I wrote throughout his throat cancer and subsequent treatment as God wanted us to be vocal to take away the fear of cancer for people. If you look back in my blogs you will find them and I hope they will bring encouragement as God was so close during that season and so faithful.

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