Tears, Snot and Mucus (Part 2)


September 2014

Tears, Snot and Mucus!! (Part2)

As I arrived in Bedford I was greeted at the station by a lovely couple (The Cons), who I was introduced to by a mutual friend on a weekend visit to The Kings Arms. They just happened to be doing TSM as well!

As we arrived there was a nervous apprehension in the air (and it wasn’t just me!). The evening kicked off with a fantastic time of worship where we encountered Gods presence. We were encouraged to call out Gods attributes and the students led the worship as prompted by the Holy Spirit. It set the tone for the whole weekend.

We quickly got to meet others as we had a time of asking each other ‘easy’ questions, like their favourite crisp flavour to what do we hope to get from this year? It was a great ice breaker and I realised that everyone was feeling like me and that was a great comforter.

We learnt soon in that one of the fundamental values of TSM is honour. In everything we do this year we celebrate the person and not what they’ve done-what a massive pressure off and freedom to go for it without fear of failing. In fact it’s all about being obedient to what you feel God is saying to you and not the outcome!!! I love the fact that the TSM culture is an intentional one (every group has one intentional or accidental). This is evident already in the way the team value us and make us feel safe and this has been the history of TSM. Because of this we are fortunate enough to be stepping into the inheritance of all the previous students and their ceiling has become our floor-WOW!!!!!!!!

Over the weekend, Wendy Mann who leads this course, spoke about understanding who God is and who we are in Christ. During the sessions there were times of ministry where people were able to let go of things holding them back and freedom being loosed all over the place!!!

We were introduced to our ‘Courage Groups’ which will be a significant place for us to be open and truly authentic, where the mask can come off and we can pray for each other as things are revealed by the Holy Spirit.

We also found out about the ‘Outreach’ opportunities, run by Stef Miles, for the year ahead and how we will be going out into Bedford to share the love of God, healing and bringing freedom. We have also been challenged in ‘Acts of Courage’ throughout the year, back at home in our daily lives. We will record these as the year goes on and encourage each other through them.

My first act of courage will be this coming Tuesday when I will share my testimony (life story) in my ‘Courage Group’. This is a 30min slot to talk with total openness and the ‘courage Group’ will then pray for me as Holy Spirit prompts them. This is a really big step for me as I have only really shared my story in a 5 min edited highlights version, with all the worst bits removed! (as I type this the blood has rushed to my feet at the thought of this!!!-please pray for me friends).

As I prepare for this God is challenging me to get it all out there! Once things are in the light they can no longer hold you captive. I have already warned my group that I may have to type it out as I probably won’t be able to speak clearly for the crying (see earlier blog-Tears of a Brown).

I do know this, freedom comes when you move out from under a cloud of shame and that is what God wants for me so I can be all he is calling me to be. Praise God!!!!


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