Finding the Gold!

As I was praying with a friend yesterday, God showed me a picture of an old fashioned gold mine with men digging away at the rock face with pick axes. Behind them there was a rusty old rail track with wagons on it that they were throwing their ‘treasures’ into as they uncovered them and … More Finding the Gold!

The Gift of Prophecy

I’m so excited because the next in my series on Spiritual Gifts is looking at one of my absolute favourites-The Gift of Prophecy. The bible tells us to; 1Cor 14:1 “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”  Prophecy is quite simply, hearing from God and then speaking it out … More The Gift of Prophecy

The Gift of Exhortation

You may be thinking, what on earth is exhortation? I thought that too when I first heard it, but it simply means encouragement. The dictionary definition of encouragement is: To give support, confidence or hope to (someone). To encourage someone means to literally give someone courage for a situation. It is such an affirming, uplifting … More The Gift of Exhortation